How many times have you traveled to somewhere beautiful or exotic only to wish you had a better camera or better camera skills? Instead of buying a generic post card, wouldn’t it be fantastic to have an amazing professional photo taken from your trip that also includes you? We’ve had too many friends asking for new camera advice right before one of their vacations, leaving them only a few weeks to practice taking mediocre photos with an entry level DSLR and useless kit-lens. No sooner after the trip will you give up on taking any more photos with your new camera and send it straight to camera purgatory, a dust collecting shelf. You will download a thousand photos, overwhelmed where to begin or even how to edit, you throw your hands up in defeat and proceed to upload all said thousand photos shot in auto mode into a Facebook album. Unfortunately, the lack of presentation and the lack luster images won’t make anyone jealous of your trip.
Consider the time and money invested by a photographer over a decade into creating beautiful photos of people and landscape. How much of a fraction would you be willing to pay out of that investment to bring with you on a trip? The flight, hotel, and food combined would be equal or less than the amount you spend on a new one-time-use camera. Add to the fact that a professional photographer has equipment insurance, and the responsibility to carry all the necessary lens while you enjoy your travels hands free and worry free, knowing the scenery, the food, and all your best angles will be captured.
As a bonus, we are experienced drivers in many countries with small narrow roads, manual cars, left or right side of the road. There’s no better experience in a foreign country than to drive locally and stop anywhere you please, find the path less traveled by, and see locations untouched by tourists.
We will be your travel companions, your drivers, your photographers. Don’t go on your next exotic trip without a personal photographer!
See our previous destinations here
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